“Where words fail, music speaks.”

– Hans Christian Andersen 


I welcome you to Dreamcatcher Global Radio, the show with music you'll feel

Dreamcatcher Global Radio is a show about music that makes you feel— songs that take you diving into the deep, harmonies that play you like an instrument from the inside out, beats that control remote your hips, lyrics that adhere to your mind, and sounds that strum all the strings in the harp of your heart. 

We offer our bodies to the rhythm and use each beat to shake the problems of the world away. Music is a stage where we embrace and express our warmest sensuality, our passion, our darkest sadness and our most joyous memories. Trillions of songs have been written about love, and many more are lining up to come in from the other side until the end of time.

Music is the heart of nature singing through our voices, hands, and fingers. It is as necessary to every human being as breathing out.

When you really feel a song, you play it over and over. It's a great pleasure to share that song with people you love— hoping that they end up in the same emotional coordinates you're in. Music is time-breaking, transcending, sonar connectivity.

It doesn't matter what genre it is, or if it's from someone famous or unknown. Some songs will be light and others will be deep. Some will be sad, some will be happy. Some you'll know, some you won't. As the curator, I will share every week a few songs that I'm personally feeling and I'll follow that up with a chain of music coming from submissions to Dreamcatcher Global Radio. Each episode will have different music and like a snowflake, none will be the same.

The show is a collaborative effort between you and me. 🫵🏼 . When you hear an incredible song that moves you, inspires you, and makes you sing, move or feel—  send it to Dreamcatcher Global Radio.

I'll be posting the best ones on each episode so we can discover new music together each week. 

We'll be in a time machine, from the past to the future and back. Open your parameters, expand your tastes, discover the sweet parts of each song and ride them like a surfboard on a sound wave. 

The Dreamcatchers is a small community of melomaniacs who are dreamers, lovers of life, and adventurers holding positive space for each other. 

No news, No AI, no social media, no negativity, No problems, No world... just music, inspiring, rich and delicious songs connecting us. Come in for a bit, or stay for the whole shebang, do as you want. 

You are going to hear voices from people all over the world sharing musical energy with you. See where this energy takes you, see what it makes you feel, see where you travel, go play with it in your dreams. Turn off your mind, turn on your heart. Permission to escape granted.

May the music lift your wings with the winds of freedom, so you can soar like a hawk above all of the beauty of this world.


The Dreamcatcher

The Dreamcatcher